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Friday, July 17, 2009

Presentation Done~

Just had my Construction Technology Presentation on the morning and finally the task has been accomplished by all oy my team members.Hol Man,they're great!!!They were the MAN!!!Well,i didn't have do presentation since i am the one providing the most gorgeous power point slide show.Lolz...It was a blurdy tiring day for me though due to the Survey Practical Lab.Man,i hate saying this but i really think that our Survey Lecturer knows nothing and he couldn't even show us the correct ways of using Theodolite.He had used 10 minutes plus to setup that thing but he requested us to set everything done within 5 minutes.*Sigh* Hey bro,what happened to your BLAIN???Or i should have asked,Do you have it?I know that it's rude to comment my own lecturer in such a way but i really can't stand it anymore.He is a BANANA but he couldn't speak well in english!!!Duh~~~What should i say?


Just A word for you Mr. Pan Wang Fook: SIGH!!!

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